Mix mashed edamame with matcha and fresh lemonade, and season with handmade maqaw syrup. The taste is creamy, aromatic, and leaves an alluring sweetness. How awesome is that!
- Mashed edamame 75g
- Blueberry chips 2 teaspoon
- Sparlar Green Tea Flavor Powder 230ml
- Handmade Maqaw (mountain pepper) syrup 40ml
- Fresh lemonade 15g
- a pinch of A.Ta lake salt
- Place shelled edamame in a food processor fitted with a chopping blade; add some water and pulse a few times, process until smooth. Set aside.
- Use a whisk to mix the Green Tea Flavor Powder with water together and put matcha in a container of ice to get cold. Set aside.
- Mix mashed edamame and iced matcha together.
- Add the lemonade and mix with Maqaw syrup and A.Ta lake salt until it is a smooth green paste to ensure no lumps form.
- Pour into the desired glass, and top up with blueberry chips.